Wydawnictwo ALTER powstało w 2011 roku. W naszej ofercie znajdują się tytuły z zakresu szeroko rozumianej humanistyki, literatury naukowej i popularnonaukowej, m.in. historycznej, antropologicznej i archeologicznej. Dodatkowo, w przystępnej dla każdego ...
Edited by Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz, Yuval Yekutieli, Marcin Czarnowicz
TEL ERANI I: A PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE 2013-2015 EXCAVATIONS is the final publication of the National Science Center of Poland’s project ‘The role and significance of Egyptian impact on socio-political development of the Southern Levant in the period of Early Bronze I’, conducted by the Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków in collaboration with Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Both scientific organizations carried out archeological excavations at Tel Erani focusing on the 4th millennium BC strata. The book includes 16 chapters concerning the history of research at the site and a discussion of all revealed segments of layers dated to Early Bronze Age I, excavated in an area labeled D-3. It also includes specialists’ reports on faunal and floral remains, chipped stone industries and evidence of metallurgy (copper artifacts). The book is supplemented with the reports from rescue excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in 2013 and 2015-16 seasons at the southern fringe of the tell. This volume also contains chapters that discuss aspects of earlier excavations at the site as well as the evidence it has yielded on the nature of Egyptian and-South Levantine relations during the 4th millennium BC.
Alter Wydawnictwo and Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian Universty, Kraków 2016
Edition I
ISBN: 978-83-64449-56-7